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style & performance

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WERNER Yacht Design - an uncompromising focus on combining style and performance when it comes to yacht design.

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WERNER Yacht Design logo

WERNER Yacht Design - an uncompromising focus on combining style and performance when it comes to yacht design.

Water entices, whether it is an orange sun sinking below the horizon of a mirror-like sea, or the pounding waves smashing into a rocky shore, it always affects you in some shape or form. It might be calming, or outright exhilarating, but it is always inspiring. It clears your mind, leaving room for new plans and ideas. And for some, it is the spark that inspires them to embark on a new adventure: building their own perfect motor yacht. Over the years we have had many clients visiting our office in Volendam in search for their perfect motor yacht.

And with most of them we have developed a personal bond that lasts for years. We are proud of that. Proud that people have put their faith in us whilst in pursuit of their dream. This has led, to numerous custom designs. Some elegant, some sturdy, some classic, some contemporary. But no matter what the style we apply, we have put our hearts and souls into every single one of these designs, as if we were designing the yachts for ourselves. This is, after all, our only frame of reference.

Design Process

How we work at WERNER Yacht Design

When designing a new yacht, we can rely on extensive experience and profound technical knowledge. Right from the start we already consider hull shape construction, compartment arrangement, escape routes, ventilation, ducting etc. Ambitious? Definitely. But it ensures that the unavoidable fields of conflicts are made visible at the earliest possible moment. A little time consuming at first perhaps, but it smooths out the road for everything that follows. We divide the process of design in roughly 4 disciplines:


Pre design sketches
Pre hull lines
Finalised profile & GA
Colour renderings


Pre calculations
Hull lines
Deck lines
Superstructure lines


Final calculations
Classification drawings
Workshop drawings
Cutting files

Exterior / Interior

Interior detailing
Exterior detailing
Workshop drawings
Colour renderings


What we do at WERNER Yacht Design

It is not difficult to work out how you are going to use your new yacht. It is more complicated to establish the X-factor that makes you fall in love with your yacht to-be. It is crucial for us to get to know you. We have to find out what makes you, you. During the initial meeting we often talk about all sorts of things, leaving the discussion about the new motor yacht until the very last. Listening carefully, we get a feel of what you are looking for, leaving you in awe when presenting you with your new design. With this portfolio we hope to inspire you to, and perhaps pave the way for you to pursue your own dream yacht, enabling you to explore the wonders of the blue seas, as many have done before you.

Semi Classics
WERNER Yacht Design Classic Refit
220 ft. C.Bosman
Classics  -  Refit
WERNER Yacht Design Semi Classic Orizzonte
88 ft. Semi Classic
Semi Classics
WERNER Yacht Design Classic Explorer
180 ft. TUG
Explorers  -  Refit
WERNER Yacht Design Explorer Motor Yacht
131 ft. Explorer
123 ft. Motor Yacht


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Behind WERNER Yacht Design


幸运飞行艇官方开奖历史查询 When I first created Werner Yacht Design in 1997,168幸运飞开艇官方开奖历史查询 I was convinced that yacht designing had to be approached differently from what I had seen around me.

飞艇168官方开奖历史记录 幸运飞行艇开奖号码查询结果记录 The demands of the interiors seemed to dictate the look of the exteriors. Furthermore, in extreme cases, styling would come last, rather than being the starting point of the design. In my opinion, one has to establish the styling first, and then design the exterior and interior layouts simultaneously - without preference for one or the other. We find a style that suits the client and apply this consistently and in harmony with the design. Meanwhile, we respect the limitations of an optimum lines plan as well as the size of the human body regarding optimum interior dimensions. When it is not possible to fit in all the client’s wishes, we always advise to scale up the overall dimensions of the yacht a little. A few percent extra in length can make just enough difference inside, whilst the good looking hull and superstructure lines remain. And that is what it’s all about after all; the result should always be stunning. The yacht, once launched, shall attract the eye of every passerby.

Theo Werner  - director/ designer

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+31 299 373 813


